Michele Cervellin makes MXGP return at Lommel

The JM Racing Honda Team is back to full strength again and will be on the start line with both Henry Jacobi and Michele Cervellin at its home GP in Lommel, Belgium. Cervellin contracted a nagging infection in his wrist during the winter period, and this cause him to miss the start of the MXGP season. The Italian has been training for a few weeks, and is feeling fit enough to return to competitive racing.

“I missed a lot of training time on the bike as a result of the wrist injury. It’s not possible to recover that within the space of a few week. I am fortunate at having a good group of people within the team that have my back, and we jointly decided that I will return to racing this weekend. The most important part for me is to gain race rhythm, so that I can work towards my previous level,” Cervellin said.

Cervellin’s teammate, Henry Jacobi, has scored two top ten places in GP races thus far in the season in a packet and very competitive MXGP class. Jacobi is in good form, and will focus on completing two good races on every GP weekend. He is currently 15th in the championship series after five rounds.

“Henry has had some great performances on display already this season, but we are now focusing on getting to a point where he has two consistent finishes during each race weekend,” team owner Jacky Martens said. “He is currently in great form, and is certainly able to score well in the series. Michele has been back in training for a few weeks, and is fit enough to return to racing. Lommel is of course not the easiest of tracks to get going with, but we are going into the race with a positive attitude, and will begin the rebuilding process with him.”

Pic: Shot by Bavo