Mario Lucas Sanz steps away from professional racing

Once deemed the next big thing from Spain, Mario Lucas Sanz hasn’t had much luck when it comes to injuries and the young Spaniard has announced he’s decided to step away from racing Motocross professionally.

Sanz is a former EMX125 podium visitor and had some good results in the EMX250 series too but has sadly decided to walk away from the sport.

“Possibly the most difficult decision I will make, but this year I will no longer race professionally in this sport that has given me so much joy. There have been many factors that have made me make this decision, I have taken unforgettable moments and friends forever. I will be grateful all my life to the people who have supported me to achieve my dream and especially to my family that without them I would never have fulfilled it. Thanks Paco Rico and Jimbo Verburgh that you have taken care of me like a son, I have not been able to surround myself with better people during my sports career. It is time to take other paths. Thank you all”, Sanz stated on social media. 

Pic: Infront Moto Racing