Interview: Bobby Bruce – Britain’s EMX125 star!

Bobby Bruce set Matterley Basin alight on Saturday in EMX125 with the British fans leaning over the fences cheering their latest young British talent on his ASA Gas Gas machine as he hurtled towards the front of the field!

Bruce was rapid in both motos and even led race two to show he has the pace to be a front runner and a title contender this year if he can maintain this pace on the continent. The British rider will have opened a lot of eyes last weekend and the UK might just have found it’s next GP star.

Congratulations on third, both motos you could possibly have got an even better result especially with the place penalty in race one!

Yea it was good. I didn’t have the best of starts (race one) but I managed to pass a lot of people, I had some good moves on people but unfortunately I got docked a few places (3) i got into second then had a fall and finished third which was good.

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Second one I had a much better start, I was in third and made my way into the lead. I was fighting so hard to get into the lead I couldn’t really settle down Ostethagen passed me for first but I latched onto the back of him but unfortunately that one got red flagged, if it had went the distance I think it would have been a good race.

The second race you were straight to the front and going for it – but that group at the front was intense, it was a big fight you had on your hands with those guys!

Yeah I was a bit mad after the first one so I just got my down in the second one and pushed to the front but them boys have got some good pace to be fair and it was a good day it was a good start to the season so I am looking forward to more.

You had a good line after the finish line, the right hander, you where squaring it up and getting a really good run on boys, nobody else seemed to really catch on that seemed a good passing place for you!

It was good to pass but if someone was right on my back wheel I had to protect the inside or it would have been a big T-bone! I made a few good moves there and thankfully no-one else clocked onto it, that was a really good line.

The three place deduction, Billy MacKenzie didn’t seem happy with it but you seemed quite calm speaking to Jeff Perrett before the second moto. Where you able to put that behind you or just use it as motivation?

There as nothing I could have done with it so i just got one with it and moved on. It fuelled the fire for the second moto definitely!

Did you go off the track much or did you get pushed off?

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I came up short on the triple and it bounced me off the track and there was people sitting there and my head was up, I couldn’t re-join any sooner than what I did. If I had joined sooner I would have got T-boned straight off the triple, I think it was a safe place and I didn’t gain any positions but you can’t argue with them, it is what it is.

Pic: Nigel McKinstry

Third overall and on the podium despite everything and in the hunt for the championship, you must be pretty happy with how the first round has went?

I am definitely, it was mixed emotions but third at the first round, you can’t argue with that, it’s a good starting block and I’m looking forward to improving. Only eight points of the championship lead so we will whittle that down soon.

How did you find the track, from watching it looked amazing – but what was it like to ride?

It’s phenomenal. It’s probably one of the best tracks I have ever ridden, unbelievable, the fans were also immense – I couldn’t even hear my bike!

They were going mad for you that must have been a really cool feeling!

Yeah it was, I’ve not had that before, it’s good that they all came out so I’m happy.

Just on the British MX2 championship, you are on the 125 but you have shown good speed at times obviously your starts aren’t always going to be amazing but are you enjoying that challenge? There are a couple of good GP guys in there as well.

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It’s made me stronger for this( EMX125) I think, definitely. When I race them (MX2) the intensity is so high against them 250 boys and they are men. So when I go to race this little guys, it’s so much easier, not easy but it makes the challenge easier. It’s good, I think we have a really good solid base and I think we can improve on that.

That was a thing a noticed today was your intensity, you weren’t waiting, aggressive on the throttle, your corner speed..

Yeah that helped racing the British MX2 boys, you can’t give an inch with them! It was good to pass that on into this race, it was nice.

European people and teams don’t always look at how British riders do in Britain so you are putting your name out for everyone to see now which is really good, you are showing the everyone the speed you have had in the UK!

We have wanted to race the EMX125 championship for a few years now and last year didn’t really go to plan so I am happy we started this year off on the right foot and hopefully we can keep progressing and get more exposure and get my name out there more.

Brian Jorgenson, I was talking to him just before you arrived, he is bound to be a big help for you with his experience?

He’s been there, he has done it all, he’s won GPs. So to have him as a guide and to lead me on the right path. I’ve got a really good solid winter in so I am happy where we are at.

Interview: Jonathan McCready

Images: Nigel McKinstry